Simply Safe Kids
Summer Camp Training:
Individualized assessment of current camp safety procedures, policies, and environment. Assistance with identifying the inherent risk that comes with the camp setting and implementation of prevention strategies. A comprehensive review of best practices that encourages a climate of safety for campers, counselors, and staff. Assistance with development of sexual abuse prevention camp mission statement. Post-training access via email and phone with follow-up questions.
$500.00 camp cost
$10.00 per person Simply Safe Camp Guide
Travel expenses/ lodging
Simply Safe Kids Summer Camp Training
"Miss King is an award-winning author, teacher, and authority on the subject of sexual abuse prevention. She taught our camp highly individualized training for our counselors and staff that included a physical assessment of the camp, prevention strategies specific to our camp, and helped us develop a prevention policy and safety procedures. She is very helpful and kept us engaged and participating during our training."- Surf Hatteras